A randomized controlled trial of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation video in advance care planning for progressive pancreas and hepatobiliary cancer patients.
Epstein AS, Volandes AE, Chen LY, Gary KA, Li Y, Agre P, Levin TT, Reidy DL, Meng RD, Segal NH, Yu KH, Abou-Alfa GK, Janjigian YY, Kelsen DP, O'Reilly EM. J Palliat Med. Published June 2013.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation outcomes in hospitalized community-dwelling individuals and nursing home residents based on activities of daily living.
Abbo ED, Yuen TC, Buhrmester L, Geocadin R, Volandes AE, Siddique J, Edelson DP. J Am Geriatr Soc. Published Jan 2013.
Randomized controlled trial of a video decision support tool for cardiopulmonary resuscitation decision making in advanced cancer.
Volandes AE, Paasche-Orlow MK, Mitchell SL, El-Jawahri A, Davis AD, Barry MJ, Hartshorn KL, Jackson VA, Gillick MR, Walker-Corkery ES, Chang Y, López L, Kemeny M, Bulone L, Mann E, Misra S, Peachey M, Abbo ED, Eichler AF, Epstein AS, Noy A, Levin TT, Temel JS. J Clin Oncol. Published Jan 2013.
Audio-video decision support for patients: the documentary genré as a basis for decision aids.
Volandes AE, Barry MJ, Wood F, Elwyn G. Health Expect. Published Sept 2013.
A Randomized Controlled Trial Of A Goals-Of-Care Video For Elderly Patients Admitted To Skilled Nursing Facilities
Volandes AE, Brandeis GH, Davis AD, Paasche-Orlow MK, Gillick MR, Chang Y, Walker-Corker ES, Mann E, Mitchell SL. J Palliat Med. Published May 4, 2012.
Augmenting Advance Care Planning In Poor Prognosis Cancer With A Video Decision Aid: A Pre-Post Study
Volandes A, Levin T, Slovin S, Carvajal R, O’Reilly E, Keohan M, Theodoulou M, Dickler M, Gerecitano J, Morris M, Epstein A, Naka-Blackstone A, Walker-Corkery E, Chang Y, and Noy A. Cancer. Published Jan 17, 2012.
Palliative medicine and decision science: the critical need for a shared agenda to foster informed patient choice in serious illness.
Bakitas M, Kryworuchko J, Matlock DD, Volandes AE. J Palliat Med. Published Oct 2011.
Assessing end-of-life preferences for advanced dementia in rural patients using an educational video: a randomized controlled trial.
Volandes AE, Ferguson LA, Davis AD, Hull NC, Green MJ, Chang Y, Deep K, Paasche-Orlow MK. J Palliat Med. Published Feb 2011.
Assessing End-Of-Life Preferences For Advanced Dementia In Rural Patients Using An Educational Video: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Volandes A, Ferguson LA, Davis AD, Hull NC, Green MJ, Chang Y, Deep K, and Paasche-Orlow M. J Palliat Med. Published in February 2011.
Investing in deliberation: a definition and classification of decision support interventions for people facing difficult health decisions.
Elwyn G, Frosch D, Volandes AE, Edwards A, Montori VM. Med Decis Making. Published Nov-Dec 2010.
"It helps me see with my heart": how video informs patients' rationale for decisions about future care in advanced dementia.
Deep KS, Hunter A, Murphy K, Volandes A. Patient Educ Couns. Published Nov. 2010.
Use of video to facilitate end-of-life discussions with patients with cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
El-Jawahri A, Podgurski LM, Eichler AF, Plotkin SR, Temel JS, Mitchell SL, Chang Y, Barry MJ, Volandes AE. J Clin Oncol. Published Jan 2010.
Video Decision Support Tool for Advance Care Planning in Dementia: Randomised Controlled Trial
Volandes AE, Paasche-Orlow MK, Barry MJ, Gillick MR, Minaker KL, Chang Y, Cook EF, Abbo ED, El-Jawahri A, Mitchell SL. BMJ. Published May 28, 2009.
Use Of Video To Facilitate End-Of-Life Discussions With Patients With Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial
El-Jawahri A, Podgurski LM, Eichler AF, Plotkin SR, Temel JS, Mitchell SL, ChangY, Barry MJ, Volandes AE. J Clin Oncol. Published January 10, 2010. Epub Nov 30, 2009.
Using Video Images to Improve the Accuracy of Surrogate Decision-Making: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Volandes A, Mitchell S, Chang Y, and Paasche-Orlow M. Using Video Images to Improve the Accuracy of Surrogate Decision-Making: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc. Published October 2009.
Overcoming Educational Barriers For Advance Care Planning In Latinos With Video Images
Volandes A, Ariza M, Abbo E, Paasche-Orlow M. J Palliat Med. Published June 2008.